Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada


Бренд:Hittite Microwave Corporation

 Founded in 1985, Hittite Microwave Corporation designs and develops high performance integrated circuits (ICs), modules, subsystems and instrumentation for technically demanding radio frequency (RF), microwave and millimeterwave applications covering the frequency range of DC to 110 GHz.


The industry leading performance of our IC, Module, Subsystem and Instrumentation products has opened up new opportunities for our customers. Each year Hittite breaks through new technology barriers, and then applies our technologies to produce millions of products.



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Телефон:86755-83294757    Факс:0755-83957753    Email:sales@hkmjd.com
Адрес:Здание Азии Guoli комнаты 1239, 1241, ул. Zhenzhong, заречье Futian, город Шэньчжэнь, Китай.