Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada


Бренд:Iwatsu Electric Co Ltd 岩崎通信機株式会社

IWATSU boasts advanced technology and a comprehensive range of services.

We offer optimal solutions for the diverse world of business.
We live in a world that is shaped by the speed of science, technology, and communication. Companies today face a myriad of challenges, including flexible product development that is in sync with the state of the market, increasing sales, and making product availability more efficient. IWATSU backs up businesses with comprehensive, high-caliber tech services through Fusion between hardware and software systems development, our Total system framework, and Consistent system installation and maintenance. Our goal is to further the satisfaction of our customers through offering the best solutions. IWATSU is constantly striving to create new value and contribute to enriching society. 


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Телефон:86755-83294757    Факс:0755-83957753    Email:sales@hkmjd.com
Адрес:Здание Азии Guoli комнаты 1239, 1241, ул. Zhenzhong, заречье Futian, город Шэньчжэнь, Китай.