Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada


Бренд:Actions Semiconductor Co Ltd 炬力集成电路设计有限公司

 炬力集成电路设计有限公司(以下简称炬力),是一家致力于集成电路设计与制造的大型半导体技术公司,设立在环境优美的海滨城市珠海。公司在数字多媒体影音主控芯片的研发和生产方面具有世界领先的优势,公司的多媒体芯片产品占据全球近50%的市场份额,其产销量、营业额和净利润都位居国内同行业之首。炬力已累计创造产值超50亿元,出口创汇超过 7亿美元,纳税额约 2亿元。截止到2012年12月底公司资产总额为15.88亿元,净资产10.08亿元。公司目前有员工超过600人,,其中科技研发人员占比超过75%。在人数、项目经验及质量上均位居国内集成电路设计企业前列。

Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd is one of China’s leading fabless semiconductor companies that provides comprehensive portable multimedia and mobile internet system-on-a-chip (SoC) solutions for portable consumer electronics. Actions Semiconductor products include SoCs, firmware, software, solution development kits, as well as detailed specifications of other required components. Actions Semiconductor also provides total product and technology solutions that allow customers to quickly introduce new portable consumer electronics to the mass market in a cost effective way. The company is headquartered in the coastal city of Zhuhai, China, with offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen.


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Адрес:Здание Азии Guoli комнаты 1239, 1241, ул. Zhenzhong, заречье Futian, город Шэньчжэнь, Китай.