Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada



 TAIMAG CORPORATION is committed to providing high-quality products and services to our customers. Moreover, our efforts extend beyond providing outstanding products and services to those who need them. TAIMAG CORPORATION conducts researche and participates in a number of initiatives to constantly develop our sector of the industry and to contribute to society. TAIMAG CORPORATION is implementing a strategy to accelerate growth through innovation, and strengthening organizational and associates' capabilities. TAIMAG CORPORATION continuously seeks to develop technologies and products that will have a greater impact on workers' safety.


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Copyright © 2012-2013 Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada Права защищены 粤ICP备05062024号-15
Телефон:86755-83294757    Факс:0755-83957753    Email:sales@hkmjd.com
Адрес:Здание Азии Guoli комнаты 1239, 1241, ул. Zhenzhong, заречье Futian, город Шэньчжэнь, Китай.