Шеньчженьская электротехническая компания лтд Mingjiada


Бренд:Intersil Intersil
Первоначальная цена:16
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Примечание:New and original in stock (全新原装现货)

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 CDP6402CE - CMOS Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) - Harris Corporation

The CDP6402 and CDP6402C are silicon gate CMOS
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)
circuits for interfacing computers or microprocessors to
asynchronous serial data channels. They are designed to
provide the necessary formatting and control for interfacing
between serial and parallel data channels. The receiver
converts serial start, data, parity, and stop bits to parallel
data verifying proper code transmission, parity and stop bits.
The transmitter converts parallel data into serial form and
automatically adds start parity and stop bits.
The data word can be 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits in length. Parity may
be odd, even or inhibited. Stop bits can be 1, 1-1/2, or 2
(when transmitting 5-bit code).
The CDP6402 and CDP6402C can be used in a wide range
of applications including modems, printers, peripherals,
video terminals, remote data acquisition systems, and serial
data links for distributed processing systems.
The CDP6402 and CDP6402C are functionally identical.
They differ in that the CDP6402 has a recommended
operating voltage range of 4V to 10.5V, and the CDP6402C
has a recommended operating voltage range of 4V to 6.5V.
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Because of wholesale price is different from sample price, our website cannot state. Please 
contact us online. As well as welcome you call us : 0755-83957301.We will offer a right 
price; Sometimes manufacturer's price is unstable, so we don't adjust price in time. if you 
feel price is a little high for you, just feel free to contact us for consultation. Thank 
you for your support !
CDP6402 Взаимосвяз. продук
CDP6402 Взаимосвяз. модели
Модель Бренд Номер Корпус Количество Примечание Материал
 CDP6402CE  Intersil  13+RoHS  DIP40  8789  New and original in stock (全新原装现货)
 CDP6402  Intersil  13+RoHS  DIP40  78005  New and original in stock (全新原装现货)
 CDP65C51E2  INTERSIL  13+RoHs  DIP  785420  New and Original 原装正品
 CDP68HC68A2E  INTERSIL  13+ROHS  DIP16  1236  New and Original 原装正品
 CDP1854ACE  INTERSIL  13+RoHs  DIP-40  785420  New and Original 原装正品
 CDP1854  INTERSIL  13+RoHS  DIP-40  4566  Original 原装现货
 CDP68HC68T1  Intersil  16+  standard  85459  全新原装New and original have in stock
 CDP-2-13-75  Mini  16+  standard  85774  全新原装New and original have in stock
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